Migraines and headaches are some of the most common neurological disorders. Causing symptoms of discomfort, pain, dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to sound or light, hundreds of millions of people around the globe suffer from severe and frequent migraines. Most people are likely familiar with certain forms of treatment, often in the form of over-the-counter or prescription drugs, but what about a new solution? How effective can CBD for treating headaches and migraines be?
In this quick explainer, we’ll run through the latest science covering CBD and its efficacy when it comes to relieving migraines. From CBD oil to THC’s contributions, here’s everything you need to know to decide if CBD has the potential to be an effective treatment for you.
What Exactly Is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical found within the cannabis plant. It’s known for its effects of relaxing both the body and the mind, though, unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive properties. In other words, when devoid of THC, CBD doesn’t produce a high.
Once inside your system, CBD interacts with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. It’s believed that through this interaction, CBD can influence pain regulation and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. It’s such effects that have led medical researchers to begin to investigate CBD’s potential as a treatment for migraines.
The Latest Research on CBD for headaches and migraines
Unfortunately, CBD and other cannabinoid products have only been considered as a treatment option for a relatively short amount of time. Few long-term clinical trials have been conducted testing CBD as a way to treat chronic migraines. Hopefully, in the near future, we’ll be able to say with absolute scientific accuracy how effective CBD is in battling headaches.
That being said, a number of experiential surveys have shown the CBD’s potential. Because of this, many scientists and medical professionals believe CBD can, at the very least, help treat the intensity of migraine symptoms. CBD has been observed to relieve pain, help with inflammation, and aid with neurological symptoms, leading many in the scientific community to be confident in CBD’s pharmaceutical potential. It’s why many suffering from chronic migraines have already begun looking towards CBD products for relief.
What are some CBD Products that are working wonders?
Much like its more politically controversial family member, marijuana, CBD products come in a variety of forms. CBD can be vaped, smoked, ingested, or even applied to the skin. This means options include everything from CBD vape cartridges to CBD gummy candies to CBD lotion.
Check out our webstore to explore all of Wallflower’s high quality offerings.
Is it safe? Are there Side Effects?
Studies have suggested that the risks of CBD use are largely minimal, both in terms of frequency and severity. Many of the risks are linked to THC, whereas CBD alone is nearly free of side effects. It can, however, induce drowsiness, upset the stomach, and potentially interact with other medications.
Though, that’s not to categorize THC as an outright negative when it comes to treating headaches and migraines. While it may introduce a few additional side effects, like anxiety or its psychoactive element, it also has the potential to increase CBD’s effectiveness and treat symptoms CBD otherwise can’t. For example, THC is much more effective at combating nausea than CBD. There are even two FDA-approved synthetic THC products that are used for that exact purpose.
So, for the overwhelming majority of adults, CBD is safe to consume. As more and more states loosen their laws on medical marijuana, allowing for greater regulation and private studies, the safety of both CBD and THC will only continue to increase.
Is CBD for headaches and migraines Legal?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: While most CBD products you will encounter are federally legal, there are a number of factors that determine any given product’s legality.
How and from where the CBD was extracted, for example, can make the difference between legal CBD and contraband. Currently, in the United States of America, hemp is legal, while marijuana is illegal. Both are plants that contain CBD, and extracting CBD from a hemp plant is A-okay in the eyes of the law. CBD originating from a marijuana plant, however, is federally illegal.
But what’s the difference between hemp and marijuana, anyways? The answer lies in the THC content of the plants. The current law regarding marijuana defines the drug as being made up of 0.3% THC or more. Anything under that percentage is considered legal hemp.
Of course, state and county laws affect the interpretation and enforcement of such classifications. So, it’s always a good idea to check in with the practices of where you are.
In short, migraines stink. The headaches are painful, the dizziness is disorienting, and the nausea is unbearable. And with how surprisingly common the headache disorder is in America and across the globe, finding effective treatments is an important, worthwhile journey.
The latest science and patient surveys suggest that CBD may be one of the best overall treatments for migraines. With minimal risks and a wide variety of options when it comes to administering, the drug is an accessible, safe, and legal way to take on the most intense of migraine symptoms.
As more clinical research is conducted, many in the scientific community believe that CBD’s effectiveness in combating headache disorders will only continue to solidify. For now, a large portion of those battling such disorders have already turned to CBD for relief.
Here at Wallflower, we pride ourselves on offering a wide, high quality selection of drugs for both recreation and medical use. Check out our website to see everything we offer, including CBD products specifically designed to aid with pain and other symptoms. You can also order delivery, breeze through our 24 hour drive-thru, or stop into one of our shops, where an informed budtender can help you with any additional questions you may have.